Average temperatures: 13 to 14°C (55 to 57°F) The weather is generally mild and sunny. Light outwears are recommended, especially in early spring when it may still be cold.
Average temperatures: 25 to 27°C (77 to 80°F) The weather is hot and humid. Light, sweat-absorbing clothing is recommended. Be prepared for the rainy season, which lasts from mid-June to early July.
Average temperatures: 13 to 14°C (55 to 57°F) Days are warm, but nights can be cool. A light coat is recommended.
Average temperatures: -6 to 7 °C (21°F to 45°F) The weather is cold and dry, with occasional snowfall. Warm clothing, along with a hat or umbrella, is recommended.
Korea's official currency is the won (KRW).
Traveler's checks can be exchanged for cash at banks or currency exchange booths. While some stores still accept the checks, credit and debit cards have become a more preferred payment methods for travelers. As a result, the use of traveler’s checks is hardly observed nowadays and fewer stores offer this service.
Credit cards are widely accepted in Korea, including at major hotels, department stores, and general retail shops. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and other credit cards are commonly used, however, check the service availability before making a purchase as some stores may not accept certain cards.
To exchange your foreign currency for Korean won, visit a bank or an authorized exchange service center. Banks are generally open from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on weekdays.
For real-time exchange rates, visit www.xe.com/currencyconverter (Available in Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Swedish, and Arabic)
Korea uses 220V at 60 Hz, with power outlets that have two round holes. If you do not have a multi-voltage travel adapter, borrow or purchase one at your hotel's front desk, airports, retail stores, major duty-free shops, or even convenience stores.